Fender 6G3 Brownface Deluxe

An amplifier that had been in my radar for a very long time finally came to life!
The missing link between the coveted 5E3 Tweed Deluxe and the established AB763 Blackface Deluxe Reverb, the lesser-known but highly-desired 6G3 Brownface Deluxe had some serious competition to face.

For this build, I used Mercury Magnetics vintage-correct transformers (power transformer: ToneClone+ FBRDL-P-U, output transformer: ToneClone FBDO), Jupiter capacitors, TAD filter capacitors, CTS pots, carbon comp resistors, Carling switches and Switchcraft jacks.

The cab was built by JD Cabs and it is absolutely amazing. It is made of solid pine, just like the originals, while the speaker baffle is made of 15mm birch plywood and the back panels of 13mm birch plywood to prevent warping. The amplifier is paired with a Jupiter 12SC speaker.

I tried to keep mods to a minimum but as usual I added a couple of things. So, first of all, I added adjustable bias. I also put the bright cap in each channel as an option to the volume potentiometer (push-pull). Lastly, I added a 3-way negative feedback switch with the following options: 56K (stock), 22K (increased feedback) and negative feedback lift.

As usual, special attention was paid to the lead dressing and the grounding scheme. For this build I used a multiple star ground approach. Fender's design choice to separate the filter caps from the rest of the circuit and put them on the tubes-side of the chassis is far from ideal as it increases the wire lengths but the result is excellent nonetheless - no hum can be heard and only minimal hissing is present when the volumes are turned all the way up. I am really pleased with how quiet the amp is. At this point it is worth pointing out that the Switchcraft jacks were isolated from the chassis to prevent the creation of ground loops.

When it comes to the sound, the amp is a fire-breather and probably my favorite out of the Deluxe family. It is also the first amp that doesn't really need the bright cap option. Without the bright caps in the circuit the amp becomes a bit too smooth and well-behaved. I imagine it would do the trick if playing jazz with this amp is desired but with the bright caps engaged, the amp gets back its rudeness. Also, if pristine crystal cleans is the thing you are after, the Blackface is a better option - this amp will overdrive very soon and at very friendly volume levels, while sounding more open, defined and less boomy than the Tweed. Without having tried other speakers with this amp, I am perfectly happy with the Jupiter, as it complements the amp very well (and contributes to its rawness and rudeness as I am pretty sure it's overdriving on its own as well). The negative feedback mod is very nice on the other hand and a worthy addition. The bias tremolo on the amp is also to die for. An amplifier that was definitely worth the long wait, the joke among connoisseurs "What's your favorite Marshall? A 6G3" doesn't sound like a joke to me anymore...